"The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and give his life a ransom for many.” - Mathew 20:28
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010

1. The whole world is involved – Vv. 23-24 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. We find ourselves in the same boat – all of us. All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. Weighed on the balance of God’s scales we are found wanting. Asked to aim at the mark of God’s standard of perfection we miss it by a mile.
What is man to do? We fall into the hands of God. We are justified freely by His grace. This is the redemption found in Jesus Christ. How is this possible? Sinful man must be restored if he is to have any fellowship with God. He must be won back to God. We find it in that great exchange. Your life of misery and ruin is replaced with a life of perfection.
2. The whole world is accountable to God – V. 19 - Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God.
We are held accountable to God by means of the law. There is no room for excuses. We can’t blame anyone for our sin. We can’t blame duress, amnesia, or temporary insanity.
Of all the things we can claim for ourselves it is out sin which we uniquely own.
3. Inability of the law to reconcile – V. 20 - Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. The law always accuses. The law is constantly telling us where we have fallen short. The law, as a mirror, points us to our failures and our shortcomings. The law as a mirror reflects every imperfection, every flaw, every inadequacy. There is but one word for the law. It spells failure.
And how do we react to this reality?
We say, “Accept me for who I am.
Accept me, warts and all.” Which simply means, accept my sin, accept my behavior. Accept my failings. Accept my limitations. And if you can’t do that then look beyond my faults. But we can’t look beyond the imperfections of our sinful condition. Our sinfulness is like the 2,000-pound elephant someone left in the room. You can’t ignore him. He is there. He must be addressed.
Our sin will not go away by simply ignoring it. Our sin will not go away if and when we tolerate it. For sin to be eradicated from our lives we must first be reconciled to God and to our neighbor.
4. Reconciliation is a gift – V. 23 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Notice how St. Paul explains these things. All have sinned. All have fallen short. None is righteous, no not one. Therefore, it is necessary that one man’s act of obedience would have to be sufficient for the benefit of all. This Christ has accomplished. This Christ achieved for you. This happened in time and space on a hill called Golgotha when Christ died for all sin.
5. Gift made possible by grace – Vv. 24-25 - and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—
Since Christ has made atonement for all sin there is nothing standing in the way between you and God. There is free access to God’s mercies and blessings. You have free access to the Father of mercies. You did not work for it. You did not earn it. You are certainly not entitled. It’s a gift. Freely given - for you. This is mercy clearly defined. This is pardon expressed and given. This is forgiveness offered for you.
6. Necessity of faith to appropriate the gift – V. 28 - For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.
The old song sings, Faith looks to Jesus Christ alone who did for all the world atone, He is our one redeemer.
God is completely responsible for our salvation from front to back! We don’t one day decide to follow Jesus – He plants the seed of faith in our heart. He then nourishes that faith by giving us His eternal Word which is able to make us wise unto salvation.
That seed of faith is demonstrated by how we live and treat one another. You have been redeemed by Christ and Christ alone. Celebrate your redemption. But do not keep it only for yourself. Reach out to someone and influence their life. Live as a redeemed child of God. Reflect the compassion of Christ in your daily living.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Time in the Word - Reformation

The Son of God Has Set Us Free from Sin and Death by His Grace
“Wisdom is justified by her deeds” (Matt. 11:19), and the true Wisdom of God, Christ Jesus the incarnate Son, justifies us by His deeds. He prepares His way by the preaching of repentance, but He has suffered the violence of the Law and voluntarily handed Himself over to violent men, that we might eat and drink with Him in His Kingdom and “remain in the house forever” (John 8:35). For He is “a friend of tax collectors and sinners” (Matt. 11:19), and He has rescued us by His grace from the slavery of sin and death. By the proclamation of His eternal Gospel “to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people” (Rev. 14:6), “the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law” (Rom. 3:21), “that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Rom. 3:26). And by hearing the Gospel of Christ Jesus, “whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by faith” (Rom. 3:25), “you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31–32).
Collect for the Festival of the Reformation: Almighty and gracious Lord, pour out Your Holy Spirit on Your faithful people. Keep us steadfast in Your grace and truth, protect and deliver us in times of temptation, defend us against all enemies, and grant to Your Church Your saving peace; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Collect for the Feast of St Simon and St Jude (28 October): Almighty God, You chose Your servants Simon and Jude to be numbered among the glorious company of the apostles. As they were faithful and zealous in their mission, so may we with ardent devotion make known the love and mercy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Collect for the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost: O Lord, stir up the hearts of Your faithful people to welcome and joyfully receive Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, that He may find in us a fit dwelling place; who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Prayers for defending the Church from error: O Christ, our defender, protect us from all those whose plans would subvert Your truth through heresy and schism that, as You are acknowledged in heaven and on earth as one and the same Lord, so Your people, gathered from all nations, may serve You in unity of faith; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Monday, 25 October 2010—Psalm 34:1–2, 11, 22; Antiphon, Psalm 119:46—The Antiphon for next Sunday’s Introit proclaims, I will speak of Your statutes before Kings O Lord, and shall not be put to shame. This verse also serves as the inscription for the Augsburg Confession, one of the documents in the Lutheran Book of Concord. We need fear no earthly kings or powers when we make confession of our faith, for we have been set free from fear by the Gospel. Let us make bold our proclamation of confidence in the Lord, who redeems the life of His servants. For this, we bless the LORD at all times.
Lectionary summary on front page from the LCMS Commission on Worship.
Prayers from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Pentecost 22 - Proper 25

A proper perspective on works
1. The Pharisee and all self-righteous people with him think they can be saved by their works.
A. They feel they are able of themselves to please God.
B. But the Father condemns all their works.
1. They are a denial of his saving work.
2. They are therefore filthy rags in His sight.
2. The publicans and all who trust in Christ plead only for mercy.
A. They recognize their unworthiness before God.
B. They see their hope and salvation in Christ alone.
C. They recognize that whatever good they do is itself a gift of God, a fruit of faith.
3. It is important that we learn our lesson well.
A. Do not look for any part of your salvation in your works.
B. Look for all your salvation in your merciful Father.
1. He saved you in Christ.
2. He has brought you to faith in Christ through His Word.
C. Then keep studying His Word.
1. His law will remind you of works that are pleasing to Him.
2. His Gospel will give you strength to do these works as you love God and serve your neighbor.
Face of Christ
Thursday, October 21, 2010
In Memoriam
Monday, October 18, 2010
Time in the Word Pentecost 22 - Proper 25

Jesus tells a parable “to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous” (Luke 18:9). In this parable the Pharisee unjustly boasted before God on the basis of his own merits, whereas the tax collector intently prayed, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Luke 18:13). That poor miserable sinner trusted Christ, and he went “down to his house justified, rather than the other” (Luke 18:14). So do little children, “even infants,” come to Jesus with their need, and they “receive the kingdom of God” through faith (Luke 18:15–17). For “the one who humbles himself will be exalted,” but “everyone who exalts himself will be humbled” (Luke 18:14). That is why “the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering He had no regard” (Gen 4:3–4). St. Paul’s life, “poured out as a drink offering,” was another sacrifice like Abel’s (2 Tim 4:6). The Lord stood by Paul and strengthened him, that “the message might be fully proclaimed” (2 Tim 4:17). It is by that Gospel message of Christ that we “have loved His appearing” and as repentant sinners pray to “the Lord, the righteous judge” by faith (2 Tim 6:8).
Collect for the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost: Almighty and everlasting God, You are always more ready to hear than we to pray and always ready to give more than we either desire or deserve. Pour down on us the abundance of Your mercy; forgive us those things of which our conscience is afraid; and give us those good things for which we are not worthy to ask except by the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Collect for the Feast of St James of Jerusalem, Bishop and Martyr (23 October): Heavenly Father, shepherd of Your people, You raised up James the Just, brother of our Lord, to lead and guide Your Church. Grant that we may follow his example of prayer and reconciliation and be strengthened by the witness of his death; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Prayer for humility: O God, You resist the proud and give grace to the humble. Grant us true humility after the likeness of Your only Son that we may never be arrogant and prideful and thus provoke Your wrath but in all lowliness be made partakers of the gifts of Your grace; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the blessedness of heaven: Almighty, everlasting God, You gave Your only Son to be a High Priest of good things to come. Grant unto us, Your unworthy servants, to have our share in the company of the blessed for all eternity; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Monday, 18 October 2010—Psalm 56:10–13; antiphon, Psalm 56:3—In whom shall we place our trust? The Introit tells us, in God . . . in the LORD. The word ‘LORD’ is in all capitals in your Bible because it reflects the covenant name of God, Yahweh. The LORD is the One who keeps His covenants, keeps His promises. After man sinned, He promised to send a Savior (Gen 3:15), and kept that promise by sending His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, into the world to atone for sin. He has delivered my soul from death . . . that I may walk before God in the light of life.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010—Psalm 5—Psalm 5 may also be from the time of Absalom’s rebellion when David’s enemies spread vicious lies to discredit him. The first half of the psalm declares that the godly have access to the LORD in prayer, but the wicked are excluded from his presence. How is it that we are reckoned godly in the sight of the Lord? By trusting in His promises, especially the promise of redemption through Christ Jesus. The second half of the psalm contrasts the lying tongues of the wicked with the praising tongues of God’s people.
Prayers from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
Woodcut by Baron Julius Schnoor von Carolsfeld, 1794-1872, a distinguished German artist known especially for his book, Das Buch der Bücher in Bilden [The Book of Books in Pictures]) ©WELS.
This week's Time in the Word has been written by Pr. Jeffrey Keuning who serves St. John Dexter and Zion, Casey, IA
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pentecost 21 - Proper 24

The Gospel for today and next Sunday, both dealing with prayer, show the Savior’s ability to use short stories about earthly life in teaching spiritual truths to His disciples and others who would hear. As with most good stories, these contain casts of only a few characters. Next week it will be the Pharisee and the tax collector. This week, let’s examine what the persistent widow and the unjust judge teach us about Persistence in Blessing, Persistence in Prayer.
1. What the widow in Christ’s parable teaches us.
A. About ourselves.
1. Like the widow, we also experience injustice and evil at the hands of others. In her case, we don’t know specifically what was involved. Similarly, we often don’t know beforehand what people will do to us; malign us, impugn our motives, pilfer our homes and businesses, persecute us in overt or subtle ways.
2. But we do know that our sin makes us deserve nothing but punishment from God. Not only do others sin against us, but we sin against them; thinking, speaking and doing evil over and over again. Each of our sins against others is also a sin against God, a striving against Him that earns the disinheritance and death for which all sin calls.
3. In the face of the evil done against us and the evil that we do, we are tempted to despair. We are virtually unable to help ourselves, and help from God appears to be unduly delayed.
4. But God invites us to seek His help and blessing for Christ’s sake. We are not unknown to God as the widow was to the judge. You are His elect” that is, He has chosen you in Christ before the foundation of the world. He has adopted you as his beloved child because of the work of His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ.
B. About God.
1. As the widow persisted in her please, so did our lord persist in His work of winning for you His Father’s good pleasure. He endured as your Substitute human injustice and wickedness, drinking to its bitter dregs the cup of suffering that the Father administered to Him as the result of your transgressions and sins. Never did He falter in carrying our His mission of salvation. He persisted, declaring, ”It is finished!” but also promising, “I am with you always!”
2. For the sake of His crucified and risen Son, the Father now persists in hearing your prayers and blessing you. Through Christ you have access to the throne of grace. What a blessing it is to uphold one another in our Friedheim family - taking our needs burdens joys and sorrows to the throne room of grace. Being thankful as the Savior answers each petition.
2. What the judge in Christ’s parable teaches us.
A. About ourselves.
1. In stressing that the judge’s decision was a selfish one, the parable reminds us that we also decide to do many things for a selfish desire to benefit ourselves, rather than a pure desire to praise the Father and benefit others. For example, our obedience to civil laws is sometimes motivated more by our fear of punishment than by a concern for the common good. Or a celebration of the Reformation can tend more toward worship of the self then toward proclaiming with thankfulness and patience the glorious message that the Father has entrusted to us the salvation of others.
2. Such selfishness is unrighteousness. Such selfishness is contrary to God’s will. Such selfishness deserves condemnation. Yet, it so thoroughly pervades all human thinking, that the parable is not at all absurd or unbelievable. The judge is a picture of how we by nature deal with each other!
B. About God.
1. How different in this regard is God form sinful human nature. We can contrast the judge’s forced and selfish decision with God’s willing and selfish promises. God loved the world so much that He freely and selflessly gave His only Son into death to save all sinners from death and everlasting death. Jesus did not regard equality with God as a thing to be grasped but rather humbled Himself and became obedient even to death. The Holy Spirit designs to enter even our frail and mortal bodies and build us into a holy temple in the Lord.
2. Unlike the judge, who in selfishness was erratic and suspect the Father is altogether trustworthy. He wants us to hold Him to His promises and blessings. Demand them! You are His child. His answers to prayer do not always come according to our time table. But He does answer – and always at the right time.
The Father wants you always to pray and not despair. Realize His faithfulness toward you. Be constant in prayer. The Father’s persistence in blessing leads to persistence in prayer.
Face of Christ
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Time in the Word Pentecost 21 - Proper 23
The lessons for this coming Sunday give us a picture of people in luxury, affluence and leisure but without concern for the less fortunate. In the Gospel Dives has no concern for the hungry man at his palace gate; the dogs have more compassion for Lazarus than Dives does. In the Old Testament lesson we are shown a people enjoying the height of prosperity but who have no concern for the future of the nation. In the Epistle lesson we are admonished not to be concerned about worldly possessions but about the attainment of spiritual values. The theme of this week speaks to our culture, a people with more wealth, comforts and leisure than any other in the world’s history.
Can we find the Gospel in our lessons for this coming week? Where is the gospel in the Old Testament lesson? It is a passage dealing with judgment on a life of luxury. The Epistle calls for a Christian to “aim,” “fight,” and “keep” the Christian faith. In the Gospel the wealthy man goes to hell for not sharing his food. The five brothers are to avoid the fate of their brother by hearing Moses and the Prophets – no suggestion of eternal life by accepting Christ. This takes us to the theme for the day – having concern for others. Concern comes from being in Christ by faith. We have first experienced the concern of Christ and now we are concerned about our neighbor.
Monday, 11 October 2010—Psalm 119:73-75, 77; antiphon, Psalm 119:76— The Psalm section that makes up this week’s introit is taken from one of the many acrostic psalms and is based on the Hebrew letter “Yohd”. Compare verse 73 with verses 80,74, and 79 as well as verse 75 and 78,76 and 77. David asks the Lord to complete the forming He made in his life to help him conform to the Lord’s righteous laws that the arrogant may be put to shame and those who fear may rejoice.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010—Psalm 146— The focus is on God, the hope and help of His people, utterly dependable, caring for all in need. God reigns. While I live I will praise God. I will sing praise to God while I have any being. The grand outburst of Hallelujahs, with which the book of Psalms comes to a climatic close, is carried over to the end of the Bible itself, and is echoed in the heavenly choirs of the redeemed (Revelation 19:1, 2, 4, 6).
Wednesday, 12 October 2010—Amos 6:1-7— The lessons for this week give us a picture of people in luxury, affluence, and leisure but without concern for the less fortunate. The Old Testament lesson shows us a people enjoying the height of prosperity but who have no concern for the future of the nation.
Thursday, 13 October 2010—1 Timothy 3:1–13—Our reading through Paul’s first letter to Timothy gives the qualifications for those who hold office in the church namely church workers. In the Greek culture the word was used of the presiding official in a civic or religious organization. Here it refers to a man who oversees a local congregation. The equivalent word from the Jewish background of Christianity is “elder.” The duties of the elder or overseer were to teach and preach (3:2; 5:17) to direct the affairs of the church (3:5; 5:17) to shepherd the flock of God (Acts 20:28) and to guard the church from error (Acts 20:28-31).
Friday, 14 October 2010—Luke 16:19-31— The parable of Lazarus is the basis of the gospel lesson for this coming Sunday – In our parable, the rich man has no concern for the hungry man at his palace gates; the dogs have more compassion for Lazarus than the rich man. The parable teaches us that there are no assets after death, thus we reap what we sow now; seeds which lead to eternal life or seeds which will lead to destruction.
In this parable we have a description of wealth and total depravity. This is a description of today’s world. On the one hand is America’s wealth giving us the highest standard of living in the history of the world. On the other hand, we have a third world of poverty and hunger. It could be that the so-called wealthy, either nation or individual, is really the poor man a was the case in the parable. Americans may be the richest on earth, but they can be suffering from the poverty of their abundance.
In this parable there is a unique conversation of the dead. Abraham and Dives. The dialogue tells us some important things about the dead. One is in hell and the other is in paradise. This dialogue can give us a perspective of eternity which can influence our life on earth. There ids a reality of a post-earthly existence. There is another world after death. It is an existence in heaven or hell. Like Abraham and dives, people maintain their identity and recognize each other.
Saturday, 15 October 2010 – John 10:27-28; Psalm 23 — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day is Lord take My Hand and Lead Me (LSB #722). This is a much loved hymn that has made its way back to the hymnal in the pew. When German was the chief language this hymn was sung at almost every funeral. It speaks of the fact that the Savior leads us through every circumstance. As we journey through life realize that the Savior like a shepherd has promised that He will order your days as he shapes your life.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Pentecost 20 - Proper 23

Who Bothers to Thank God?
Today’s Gospel reports the miracle of the healing of ten lepers. Ten men, afflicted with a disease that excluded them from normal society (see Leviticus 13:45-59) and inevitably brought death, sought help from Jesus. All ten were told to show themselves to the priest. (Leviticus 14:2-20). All ten were healed. But the fact that only one of the ten returned to give thanks to Jesus raises some interesting questions, among them: What happened to the nine? Who bothers to return thanks to God?
1. Not those whose only concern is to enjoy what has been them.
A. Ten met Jesus, Ten called Him “Master”. Ten were healed and undoubtedly rejoiced. Only one looked beyond the healing to the Healer. Giving thanks had greater priority for him than being certified as clean.
B. Like the nine, we also often display a selfishness that is enamored of things that benefit us and that cares not at all for the God who supplies our every need.
C. Beware! Such selfish myopia stifles thanksgiving. It sees no cause for gratitude unless we receive what we think is best, at the time we prefer, in the way we desire. When this attitude prevails, who bothers to thank God?
2. Not those who believe that God’s good treatment is something they have earned for themselves.
A. The text strongly emphasizes that the only man who returned to give thanks to Jesus was a Samaritan, a foreigner. He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, a symbolic act of complete subjection. He realized that his healing was an act of pure mercy, not a payment that he deserved.
B. How much his views differed from those of the majority of people, both at Christ’s time and still today! How easy it is, even for us, to pin our hope for God’s favor on what we are or think or say or do. We desire and sometimes demand that God be kind to us and help us as a reward for our good church attendance or our righteous living or our delightful personalities.
C. Beware! Such self-righteous pride will not fall at Jesus feet and give thanks to Him. It gives no glory to God for His marvelous works of mercy, for it sees God only as a paymaster who distributes benefits to those who have earned them. When this attitude prevails, who bothers to thank God?
3. Only those whom God has rescued from the dominion of sin and Satan by giving them faith in the saving work of Christ.
A. The event reported in the Gospel happened while Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem to lay down His life as the sacrifice for the sins of the world. The guilt of our selfishness and pride rested on His shoulders. The hands that in other cases healed with a touch were soon to be nailed to the cross in payment for our ingratitude and lovelessness. The voice that told the lepers to show themselves to the priest would soon cry out in pain and agony, “I thirst”, and “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” as Jesus endured the full punishment of body and soul that we all deserve. But that same voice would sound forth again after His resurrection, announcing that forgiveness of sins should be preached in His name to Jews and Samaritans and all the nations of the earth.
B. Only the power of the resurrected Christ, received by us through faith, can purge our hearts of the spiritual maladies of selfishness and pride and ingratitude and sin. Only in the strength that He supplies are we able to overcome our natural inclination toward evil and truly give thanks and glory to God. Through faith in Christ, the Samaritan leper received healing in his body. Motivated by that faith; he returned to give thanks. For such as that leper, it is not at all a bother to thank God. The expression of heartfelt thanks to God with our lips and our lives is a joyous privilege that God provides for us here in time and hereafter in eternity.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Time in the Word Pentecost 20 - Proper 23
Jesus comes in mercy, and by His Word heals you in body and soul. “Go and show yourselves to the priests,” for you are cleansed (Luke 17:14), and you are granted access to the Lord’s Temple. It is “at Jesus’ feet, giving Him thanks” (Luke 17:16), that you worship God, for Christ Jesus is your great High Priest; His Body is the true Temple. In Him you “find rest, each of you in the house of her husband” (Ruth 1:9), for the Lord has “visited His people and given them food” (Ruth 1:6). The person of Jesus Christ lodges Himself in holy food—bread and wine for believers to eat and drink. You lodge where Jesus lodges; His Father is your God, His people are your people. Death cannot part you from Him, because His death and resurrection are eternally yours through Holy Baptism. “Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead” (2 Tim. 2:8–9). As surely as death could not hold Him, so surely “the Word of God is not bound” (2 Tim. 2:9). His Gospel is entrusted “to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2), so that you “may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 2:10). Such is the confession of faith for all the saints, who believe, teach, and confess the one Lord and Savior—Jesus Christ.
Collect for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost: Almighty God, You show mercy to Your people in all their troubles. Grant us always to recognize Your goodness, give thanks for Your compassion, and praise Your holy name; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Prayer for the sick: O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need, look with favor upon Your servant. Assure him/her of Your mercy, deliver him/her from the temptations of the evil one, and give him/her patience and comfort in his/her illness. If it please You, restore him/her to health, or give him/her grace to accept this tribulation with courage and hope; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for deliverance from sin: We implore You, O Lord, in Your kindness to show us Your great mercy that we may be set free from our sins and rescued from the punishments that we rightfully deserve; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for agriculture: Almighty God, You bless the earth to make it fruitful, bringing forth in abundance whatever is needed for the support of our lives. Prosper the work of farmers and all those who labor to bring food to our table. Grant them seasonable weather that they may gather in the fruits of the earth in abundance and proclaim Your goodness with thanksgiving; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prayer in times of unemployment: O God, You have always been the help and comfort of Your people. Support the unemployed in the day of their trouble and need. Give them faith to cast their cares on You, and preserve them from all bitterness and resentment. According to Your goodness increase the opportunity for their employment that with thankful hearts they may earn a just wage. Give to Your people everywhere a ready willingness to share their blessings with those in need. Make us merciful, even as You are merciful, O Father, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Monday, 4 October 2010—Psalm 34:2–4, 17; antiphon, Psalm 48:1—The Introit calls upon us to praise the Lord for His deliverance of His righteous ones out of all their troubles. Who are the righteous? We learned in the Old Testament reading from last week that those who place their trust in the Lord are the ones who are righteous—by their faith.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010—Psalm 111—Psalm 111 is a song of high praise to the LORD for His many and continued blessings upon His people—physical and spiritual blessings. The LORD’s great works and His provision of food are recounted before the His greatest blessing is extolled: He sent redemption to his people. In the face of the mighty deeds, awesome power, and goodness of the Lord, the psalmist concludes, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!
Wednesday, 6 October 2010—Ruth 1:1–19a—Sunday’s Old Testament reading is the opening portion of the book of Ruth. Ruth was not an Israelite, but a Moabite woman, whose husband had died. During a famine, Ruth’s husband died, as did his brother. When Naomi, the brothers’ mother, planned to go to Bethlehem, because she had heard there was food there, she urged her daughters-in-law to remain in Moab where, as still-young women, they might find husbands. Orpah did, but Ruth remained with Naomi, resolutely declaring, “Where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” This strong foreign woman, who took the Lord GOD of Israel—the true God—as her own God, would become an ancestress to the Christ, the incarnate Son of the only true God (Matthew 1:5).
Thursday, 7 October 2010—2 Timothy 2:1–13—Our reading through Paul’s second letter to Timothy continues with encouragement to remain a good soldier of Christ Jesus, even in the face of suffering. But, this is no advice to Timothy simply to look deep inside himself for strength, or keep a stiff upper lip. No, the Christian’s source of strength in the midst of adversity always comes from the fact that we are strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus (v. 1). Paul then quotes what he had written in his epistle to the Romans, in connection with Holy Baptism: If we have died with him, we will also live with him. Our Baptism into Christ gives us strength daily to face whatever hardships we may face in this life.
Friday, 8 October 2010—Luke 17:11–19—There was no love lost between Jews and Samaritans. Had they been healthy, the nine Jewish lepers would have had had nothing to do with this person whom they considered a half-breed, little better than a heathen. But leprosy had made them all outcasts from society, depending on the kindness of strangers in for daily sustenance.
On the way to Jerusalem, on the road that would ultimately lead to His death, Jesus encountered these ten pitiable men. He had mercy on them, and, foreshadowing the restoration of all creation at the Last Day, healed them of their dread disease. Only one returned to Jesus to give thanks—a foreigner, the Samaritan.
Christ came into the world to save all people, regardless of ethnicity, skin color, or other outward characteristics. We Gentiles, too, ought to fall at Jesus’ feet and give thanks for having rescued us from the far more dread disease of sin and its consequences of eternal, and not just temporal, death. This Descendant of a foreign, Moabite woman has made us clean. He Himself is the High Priest who declares us clean to His Father, and gives us a place in His kingdom.
Saturday, 9 October 2010—Sunday’s Hymn of the Day is Your Hand, O Lord, in Days of Old (LSB #846). It also makes the connection between Christ healing disease and infirmities of the body when he walked the earth and His redemptive work in cleansing us from our sins. The last stanza asks that we, too, may be delivered from the sickness of sin, that we might offer up our praise and thanksgiving, as the Samaritan did in the Gospel reading.
Prayers from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.
This week's Time in the Word written by Pr. Jeffrey Keuning service Zion, Casey and St. John Dexter congregations.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Pentecost 19 - Proper 22

What your faith can do for you
Faith is a practical thing in a Christian’s daily life. Does the common man know this? Is faith for him only a creed? Could faith be something for preachers only? Faith is meaningful in the day to day life of a Christian. Note that this gospel lesson on faith is addressed to the disciples, men of faith in Christ. Jesus is teaching them about the implications or responsibilities of that faith. What faith can do for you.
1. Keep you from leading others astray – Vv. 1-2 Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin.
We are unworthy servants.
Have we not sometimes caused offense?
1. We have lived selfishly, without regard for the needs of those around us. Like selfish children always looking out for what is mine.
2. We have lived “immoderately” always wanting more – but it is always just beyond our reach and so we are impatient, never satisfied, not content, never at peace.
Little ones (those who struggle or who are weak in the faith) may thereby have been led astray – a serious matter. (See vs. 2) To cause offense is to be an unworthy servant.
Lord, increase my faith that I may not cause offense!
2. Cause you to forgive – Vv. 3-4 So watch yourselves. “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive him.”
Have we not sometimes refused to deal lovingly with sinning brothers and sister?
1. We have failed to rebuke them personally for a sin we see them committing..
a. Rebuking a brother of is difficult.
b. We can come off as a busy body
c. In our “live and let live” world most people’s reaction is “whatever”.
2. We have failed to forgive them as often as they repent
a. Forgiving can be difficult too!
b. After a rebuke we might feel as if we have the power and the upper hand.
c. If we refuse to forgive we break the bond of peace which the Savior has given us.
d. There should be no limit to our forgiveness.
i. If he sins against you 7 times in a day and 7 times comes back to you and said “I repent” you must forgiven him.
ii. There is to be no limit to our forgiveness.
iii. Forgiveness needs to be complete.
Lord, increase my faith when I’m called upon to forgive!
3. Perform wonders – Vv. 5-6 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.
Faith makes it possible for us to do our duty.
1. We need only to exercise the faith we have.
a. What matters is not the amount of faith, or ever faith itself, as though we were now obligated to get faith to do our duty. Rather, faith is instrumental.
b. Faith joins us to Christ so that through faith we receive His power. Thus, even a little faith can do great things.
c. Wherever there is faith in Christ, Christians will deal lovingly with each other.
2. We should not expect praise for doing our duty.
a. Jesus alone gives faith and then increases it.
b. He does not owe us a thing; it is by His grace alone that we have faith and are able to do our duty.
Lord, increase my faith when I’m called to render service to my neighbor!
4. Motivate you to serve with no desire for reward – Vv. 7-10 “Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Would he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’? Would he not rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’? Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’ ”
We have been called into Christian service.
1. In such service there are certain expectations. The servant is called to perform specific tasks.
a. To plow, look after sheep etc, when the Master calls.
b. To render service – to cook supper, and wait on the Master.
2. The expectation is service rendered.
a. No need to say thanks. “Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do?” Apply this lesson to school or your first job – boot camp for life!
i. Show up on time.
ii. Do what you’re told.
iii. Don’t have an attitude!
b. The final reward of the child of God is to be ushered into mansions glorious.
i. We enter glory not due to any merit on our part. All we have is a gift.
ii. Rather, we are unworthy servants; we are only doing our duty as the Master has pressed us into His service.
Lydia’s violin instructor would often say, “We are all students” – Rightly applied to our Christian walk – we are all servants. We are to each humbly walk before God and our neighbor, forgiving and restoring our brother gently for in the final analysis we are to remind ourselves – we are only servants – simply doing our duty.