November 23, 2006
INTRODUCTION: Once again we have come to another Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving here at Zion is much more likened to a harvest festival in which we return thanks to God who has given us another year to serve Him in providing the people of this world food to eat.
We have again experienced the four seasons which are so critical and significant to our farming community. There is first, the dormancy of winter in which the world around us sleeps and enters hibernation. But with the emergence of spring comes the hope of another season. Planting leads to growth and maturation in summer which gives way to the harvest of autumn. Each year has its own challenges and this year has had its own. How should we view this year’s harvest? Let us consider these realities.
Through the kindness of God we have again received the fruit of the earth in their season.
Our prayer should be that we rejoice in Christ’s mercy.
Our prayer should be that neither prosperity nor adversity would drive us from Christ’s presence.
CONCLUSION: Lord God heavenly Father, through whose kindness we have again received the fruits of the earth in their season, grant us ever to rejoice in Your mercy that neither prosperity nor adversity may drive us from Your presences. This we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen