Monday, September 23, 2024

Tuesday prior to Proper 21


Psalm 104:27-35; key verse, verse 24—How many are Your works, O Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures

This Psalm has no title but it is attributed to David

The psalmist recalls the fifth day of creation. (Genesis 1:20-23).  The realm of the sea is structurally balanced with the celestial realm, (see verses 2-4) as the other boundary to the realm of earth. And the Lord orders each day of your life as He has promised to guide and sustain you.

These all wait for You, that You may give them their food: The psalmist considered all kinds of created things from the land, sea, and air. He recognized that they all depended upon God, who provided for them in due season.

The Lord provides for all we need in due season. God has a timing for all things, and does not feed his creatures by fits and starts; he gives them daily bread, and a quantity proportioned to their needs.

V. 24: O LORD, how manifold are Your works. The psalmist continues in amazement as he looks at nature and creation. He sees it all not as the result of random and purposeless events, but as the wise works of a great God who has right of ownership over all of it (Your possessions)2

Collect for Psalm 104: God of all light, life and love, through the visible things of the world you raise our thoughts to things unseen and you show us your power and your love. From your dwelling place refresh our hearts and renew the face of the earth with the life-giving water of your Word, until the new heaven and new earth resound with the song of resurrection in Jesus Christ our Lord. 3  

1. “The Crucifixion” Schnorr Von Carolsfeld woodcuts © WELS permission granted for personal and congregational use
3. Collect for Psalm 104, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church, © 1996 The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, Delhi, NY


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