Saturday, September 21, 2024

Proper 18 series B study


Proper 20
Mark 9:30-37
Our Father cares for His children with the Gospel of His Son

Jesus’ definition of greatness

The Collect for Proper 20: “O God, whose strength is made perfect in weakness, grant us humility and childlike faith that we may please You in both will and deed; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.”  Amen 

For your information: Capernaum was a fishing village located on the northwest tip of the Sea of Galilee. It is mentioned in all four gospels. It was reported to have been the hometown of the tax collector Matthew, and located not far from Bethsaida, the hometown of the apostles Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John. One Sabbath, Jesus taught in the synagogue in Capernaum and healed a man who was possessed by an unclean spirit (Luke 4:31–36 and Mark 1:21–28). This story is notable for being the only one common between the gospels of Mark and Luke, but not contained in the Gospel of Matthew. Afterwards, Jesus healed Simon Peter's mother-in-law of a fever (Luke 4:38–39). 

According to Luke 7:1–10 and Matthew 8:5, Capernaum is also the place where Jesus healed the servant of a Roman centurion who had asked for His help. Capernaum is also the location of the healing of the paralytic lowered through the roof to reach Jesus reported in Mark 2:1–12 and Luke 5:17–26. In Matthew 9:1 the town is referred to only as "his own city" (Matthew 9:1-7).


1. According to vs. 30-32 Jesus again foretells His death, and resurrection. “They went on from there and passed through Galilee. And he did not want anyone to know, for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise.” But they did not understand the saying, and were afraid to ask him.”

2. By the time we get to verse 32, Jesus has just imparted a crucial teaching, telling them who he is, and not for the first time. The prospect of the Messiah being taken and killed just does not compute. When God comes in glory, it is surely to conquer his enemies, not to "be handed over into the hands of men, and they will kill him" (31). So, "they did not understand what he was saying and they were afraid to ask him" (verse 32).

3. What is the focus of Jesus’ work with the disciples at this point? Why?

4. To what degree do the disciples seem to understand Him? What is their chief concern? What is the point of His words about the child? How do they speak to what the disciples have been saying?

5. Brainstorm. Make a list of questions you think the disciples might have wanted to ask Jesus at that point. What questions are people afraid to ask God?  What questions do you wish could be asked at church?

6. What does this passage have to do with the other readings for today?  The Theme for today: “The Christian and his opposition” can be clearly seen in the three main readings. In the Old Testament lesson [Jeremiah 11:18—20], Jeremiah asks vengeance upon his enemies.  In the Epistle [James 3:13-4:10], opposition has its source in worldly wisdom. In the Gospel, [Mark 9:30-37], Jesus goes to Jerusalem to face His oppressors. Christians live in a world with a different mindset.  Friendship with the world places us at enmity to God. So, how do we strike a balance of living in the world and still being different?  

7. What important points did you glean from the text, the sermon, and service? What was important to you?

What is Jesus’ definition of “greatness”? What is His standard? His measuring stick? Jesus answers that question in the Gospel of Matthew. With very clear and specific words. “At that time, the disciples came to Jesus asking ‘who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’  Calling unto Himself an infant παιδίον Jesus placed him in front of them and said ‘whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones; who believes in Me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea…see that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always behold the face of My Father.” {Matthew 18:1; 4-6; 10}

Merciful God, Your Son Jesus Christ was lifted upon a cross that He might bear the sin of the world and draw all people to Himself. Grant that we who glory in His death for our redemption may faithfully heed His call to bear the cross and follow Him. Lord, thank You for Your work through the lives of others. Lead me to welcome those miracles and mercies that You show through every one of Your people…

These words. Should sound familiar to usThey have been read. Hundreds of times. Over the past thirty-one years. They are included. In the baptism order of service. Used at this parish. Are you surprised? At these words?  Are you offended? By these words of the Savior?

Jesus is quite specific. When it comes to defining greatness μείζων. Jesus gives further instruction of what it means to be great according to His definition.

The disciples had been engaged in that very conversation.  Like any parent. Who can clearly overhear the bickering and arguing that goes on. Jesus asks them once they enter the house. “What were you arguing about on the road?” {v. 33Jesus has them dead to rights.  Mark informs us they kept quiet. They were silent. Because they have been bickering. About who was the greatest among them. {v.34} Consider Jesus’ clear and definitive response.

Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life,
Our balm in sorrow and our stay in strife;
Then, when Thy voice shall bid our conflict cease,
Call us, O Lord, to Thine eternal peace.
Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise stanza four, Lutheran Service Book #917

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