Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Thursday prior to Proper 14

Ephesians 4:17—5:2— Grieve not the Holy Spirit by imitating God in loving one another

Paul continues to give ethical directions. The Holy Spirit is not to be grieved by the possession of an evil spirit which is expressed in bitterness, anger and malice. Rather the Christian is to be possessed by the Holy Spirit that results in kindness and forgiving love. A model is given for this kind of behavior in God and Christ who lived sacrificially. Consequently, we are to walk (live) in love for each other with Christ as our example. The seal of the Spirit was received at baptism. Possession of the Spirit is a guarantee of salvation to be received on the day of redemption. 

In this section of our reading from the book of Ephesians, St Paul tells us that, since we have been set free from bondage to sin and death, we should live outwardly in way that reflects our new life in Christ. We are to live as children of light, no longer living in the darkness of sin. Those in the world ought to see a difference in how Christians live versus how the rest of the world lives. As children of God, we imitate God, not the ways of the world.

Christ offers himself as a sacrifice to God and it had a fragrance pleasing to God. The scent of the burnt offerings ascended to heaven and the odor was beautiful. This says something about the cross. It was more than a tragedy, more than an exhibition of God’s live; it was a sacrifice to God the sins of the world. That sacrifice was made to save humankind from dying for their sins. Since God was in Christ, God paid the full price himself. 1  

For reconciliationGod of love, through Your Son You have commanded us to love one another. By the guidance of Your Word and Spirit, deliver us from impenitence and teach us the truth that we might confess our sins, receive Your forgiveness, and be reconciled to one another; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 2

Schnorr von Carolsfeld woodcut the Sermon on the Mount used with permission for personal and congregational use copyright © WELS
1. Lectionary Preaching Workbook Series B, John Brokhoff, © 1981 CSS Publishing, Lima, OH
2. Collect for reconciliation, Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis

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