Saturday, August 24, 2024

Proper 17 Series B sample outlines


Ephesians 6:10-20
Equipped for the battle

As Christians we are soldiers, drafted at our baptism to fight in God’s army against a formidable foe. Jesus said, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (v.12) 

We must never underestimate the strength and tactics of our adversary, the devil. As the father of lies, he leads “spiritual forces of evil,” who are intent on destroying our souls. The devil has a ready ally in our sinful nature with its reliance on the self. But reliance on ourselves, on our strength and resources, will only result in capitulation and eternal defeat. The only way to stand firm in this battle is to “be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” (v.10). God Himself provides us with the equipment we need to be strong in Him. God has equipped you for battle.

I.       With the belt of truth.

A.    The belt was an essential part of the Roman soldier’s equipment, for it kept the other parts in place and allowed for more freedom of movement. All seven weapons enumerated for defense and offense are supplied by God Himself. Thus the truth of God’s truth in Christ, not our own  truthfulness, which may sometimes be mere rationalization, that he devil, the father of lies, can subvert to his own purposes.

B.     This is the truth God has made known to us about ourselves and about Christ.

C.     The truth about our sin and our Savior helps us “get it all together” against Satan, the father of lies.

D.    When Satan accuses us with the truth that we are sinners, we can stand firm with another truth of God – which Christ has saved us from our sins.

II.    With the breastplate of righteousness.

A.    This is the righteousness of Jesus, which is imputed and attributed to us. This is to be used for defense. Not even the righteous conduct that flows from faith, but rather the righteousness of Christ.

B.     Our works of righteousness are like flimsy rags.

C.     When Satan reminds us of our unrighteousness, Christ’s righteousness is the breastplate that protects us from despair.

III. With the shoes of peace.

A.    A soldier with bare, sore feet is almost immobilized. In our battle against evil we can be immobilized by fear and doubt.

B.     The good news of the Gospel’s assurance of peace with God gives us courage to tread on the scorpions of evil because we know God is with us.

IV. With the shield of faith.

A.    Besides the small circular shield for defense in close combat, there is a large oblong shield that protects the entire person. Faith that clings to Christ makes us partakers of His invulnerability.

B.     We have an impenetrable defense against the flaming darts of Satan when he uses sickness, discouragement, and loss to disturb of faith.

V.    With the helmet of salvation.

A.    Christ has already saved us through His suffering, death and resurrection. In his Salvation we are safe. For our head, the most vulnerable part of our body, the helmet of salvation is our defense. The salvation we have in Christ assures our deliverance from sin and death.

B.     As possessors of salvation we are safe; Satan’s blows cannot cause us permanent injury.

VI. With the sword of God’s Word.

A.    Our offensive weapon is “the sword of the Spirit”. It is the Word of the Lord which is powerful to defeat the forces of evil in this world. Because the Holy Spirit works in the Scriptural Word, that Word is a source of power by which we can drive away Satan-induced bitterness and resentment, anger and despair.

B.     When we immerse ourselves in the Word and use it against Satan, Christ Himself is fighting for us.

VII.          With prayer.

A.    The seventh weapon is both offensive and defensive.  Prayer in the Spirit, that is, in faith worked by the Spirit is necessary at all times because Christians are engaged in a life-long battle requiring watchfulness and perseverance. Fellow Christians need our prayers, even seemingly strong Christians like the Apostle Paul, so that despite the severity of circumstances, they can stand firm and be good witnesses for the Gospel. Prayer is god’s all-encompassing piece of equipment because prayer alerts us to the need for perseverance in the battle and opens the door of the arsenal of all of God’s resources.

B.     We pray not only for ourselves but for our fellow Christians that God may equip them to fight the battle well.

If we will use the equipment God Himself supplies, we will be able to stand our ground against the devil’s schemes in very evil day.

Passive Sentences-12%
Readability –68.3%
Reading Level –7.7

Mark 7:14-23
Having heart trouble?

We face a universal problem: how to make individuals good, to do good and do live righteously? What is the answer to crime? Is it education, more laws, better prisons, capital punishment? Today an emphasis is placed on behavior; modification through drugs, rewards, punishment etc. Jesus puts his finger on the cause of all evil behavior: a dirty heart. A good life calls for a good heart. If so, the world is suffering from heart trouble! What to do about heart trouble? The Savior gives us the answer, “All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.”’ V.23

Know that the heart is the source of behavior.
Realize that Christ alone can make a good heart. He alone is the great physician who has performed His work in us.

I.                    Know that the hearts is the source of behavior.
A.     The heart is the window to the soul.
1.      It is a heart blackened by sin.
2.      It is a heart broken by the hurt, pain and the effects of sin.
3.      It is a deficient heart inherited by our parents.

B.     This heart reflects the mature of man.
1.      Who was created in the image of God. 
a. Created in righteousness. 
b. And holiness.
2.      Yet, when Adam and Eve rebelled, falling headlong into sin , man lost this image of God. Now the will, desires, and the thoughts of man follow the self. “Thus when Adam was 99 years old he had a son after his own image and likeness and called him Seth.”
3.      Because the heart is darkened by sin, man now tries to hide himself from sin. My wife and I have a nephew Ari who is just about to turn one.  Anyone who has ever been around a toddler has witnessed what happens when the child might be doing something he knows he shouldn’t. When the parents enter the room he shuts his eyes and the problem goes away! That’s what the darkness and blindness of sin can do. It makes us close our eyes to anything which would expose our sinful self.

Transition: Realizing that the heart is the source of human behavior what shall we do? We turn to Jesus our Great Physician who is able to reform His work in you – He greatest work is reserved for those He came to save.

II.                 We turn to Jesus
A.     We must come to realize that He alone can make a good heart.
1.      Sometimes a transplant is the only solution. This is what Christ has done In us. He has given us a new heart when He went to the cross and stood at the mouth of an empty tomb. He took your poor weak heart and replaced it!
2.      Because He has given us new life – new life in Him He is the one who shapes and   molds our life. Our times are in His hands. Only He can direct our path. He has promised He will do this.
B.     As the Great Physician Jesus alone is able to perform His work in us.
1.      His work in you began at your baptism when you were connected to Christ and He gave His word and promise to restore and forgive you and then to be with you always for time and eternity.
2.      Yet His hand is still upon you. Never will He let you go. He will mold and shape every circumstance of your life to bring it into conformity with Hid good and perfect will.

Having heart trouble? Take the prescription which is proven to work every single time it’s offered – given to you by that great Physician – Jesus Christ the righteous!

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