Saturday, July 13, 2024

Proper 11 Series B study notes


Proper 11 Series B

Proper 11 – Heavenly Father, though we do not deserve Your goodness, still You provide for all our needs of body and soul. Grant us Your Holy Spirit that we may acknowledge Your gifts, give thanks for all Your benefits, and serve You in willing obedience; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen 

Jeremiah 23:1–6
Ephesians 2:11–22
Mark 6:30–44

The Lord Jesus Shepherds His Church on Earth by the Ministry of the Gospel

The Lord rebukes and removes “the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep (Jeremiah 23:1). He gathers the flock, brings them back to the fold and sets “shepherds over them who will care for them (Jeremiah 23:3–4). He raises up the Son of David, the great Good Shepherd, to “reign as king and deal wisely (Jeremiah 23:5). He is “our righteousness,” in whom we “dwell securely (Jeremiah 23:6). 

He has compassion on all of us, who were “like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:34). Not only does He teach us many things, but taking the bread, He blesses and breaks and gives it to the disciples “to set before the people.” (Mark 6:41). 

He abundantly provides for His Church on earth, so that everyone is fed and fully satisfied in body and soul. He preaches peace “to you who were far off,” and “by the blood of Christ,” 

He brings you near (Ephesians 2:13, 17). Though you were “separated from Christ” by your sin, “having no hope and without God in the world (Ephesians 2:12), now “you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19).

Also for the feeding of the crowd in Proper 13

Some believe that the crowd could have been over 5,000 as only "men" were counted. If you would count "women and children" it could have been up to 15,000 (See Matthew 14:21). Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Indiana seats close to 17,000 people....

According to the phone conversation I had with the concessions manager the following items were sold at the Indiana v Wisconsin game, on Saturday, March 12, 1994.

> 400 1bs of hot dogs,

> 3,000 popcorn boxes,

> 8,200 cokes (about 1,000 gallons)

> 684 candy bars,

> 436 nachos,

> 284 boxes of caramel corn,

> 917 soft pretzels,

> 247 polish sausages,

> 100 sandwiches,

> 179 bags of peanuts,

> 50 muffins,

> 160 cups of coffee.

This game was played on an afternoon, with tip-off scheduled for 2:00 pm. Most fans had eaten their breakfast and had probably had their lunch also! Besides fans had to pay for their food at the concessions stand! 

Jesus feeds the crowd freely. Without cost! When we pray "give us this day our daily bread" we can know that the Savior will supply us with all that we need to support our body and life.

Mark 6:30-44

Young's Literal Translation


Mark 6:30 

Καὶ  συνάγονται  οἱ  ἀπόστολοι  πρὸς  τὸν  Ἰησοῦν,  καὶ  ἀπήγγειλαν  αὐτῷ  πάντα  ὅσα  ἐποίησαν  καὶ  ὅσα  ἐδίδαξαν.

And the apostles are gathered together unto Jesus, and they told him all, and how many things they did, and how many things they taught, 

 Mark 6:31 

καὶ  λέγει  αὐτοῖς  Δεῦτε  ὑμεῖς  αὐτοὶ  κατ’  ἰδίαν  εἰς  ἔρημον  τόπον  καὶ  ἀναπαύσασθε  ὀλίγον.  ἦσαν  γὰρ  οἱ  ἐρχόμενοι  καὶ  οἱ  ὑπάγοντες  πολλοί,  καὶ  οὐδὲ  φαγεῖν  εὐκαίρουν.

and he said to them, 'Come yourselves apart to a desert place, and rest a little,' for those coming and those going were many, and not even to eat had they opportunity

 Mark 6:32 

καὶ  ἀπῆλθον  ἐν  τῷ  πλοίῳ  εἰς  ἔρημον  τόπον  κατ’  ἰδίαν. 

and they went away to a desert place, in the boat, by themselves.

Mark 6:33 

καὶ  εἶδον  αὐτοὺς  ὑπάγοντας  καὶ  ἐπέγνωσαν  πολλοί,  καὶ  πεζῇ  ἀπὸ  πασῶν  τῶν  πόλεων  συνέδραμον  ἐκεῖ  καὶ  προῆλθον  αὐτούς.

 And the multitudes saw them going away, and many recognized him, and by land from all the cities they ran, and went before them, and came together to him

 Mark 6:34 

Καὶ  ἐξελθὼν  εἶδεν  πολὺν  ὄχλον,  καὶ  ἐσπλαγχνίσθη  ἐπ’  αὐτοὺς  ὅτι  ἦσαν  ὡς  πρόβατα  μὴ  ἔχοντα  ποιμένα,  καὶ  ἤρξατο  διδάσκειν  αὐτοὺς  πολλά.

and having come forth, Jesus saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion on them, that they were as sheep not having a shepherd, and he began to teach many things

 Mark 6:35 

Καὶ  ἤδη  ὥρας  πολλῆς  γενομένης  προσελθόντες  αὐτῷ  οἱ  μαθηταὶ  αὐτοῦ  ἔλεγον  ὅτι  Ἔρημός  ἐστιν  ὁ  τόπος,  καὶ  ἤδη  ὥρα  πολλή· 

And now the hour being advanced, his disciples having come near to him, say, -- 'The place is desolate, and the hour is now advanced,

 Mark 6:36 

ἀπόλυσον  αὐτούς,  ἵνα  ἀπελθόντες  εἰς  τοὺς  κύκλῳ  ἀγροὺς  καὶ  κώμας  ἀγοράσωσιν  ἑαυτοῖς  τί  φάγωσιν.

let them away, that, having gone away to the surrounding fields and villages, they may buy to themselves loaves, for what they may eat they have not.' 

 Mark 6:37 

ὁ  δὲ  ἀποκριθεὶς  εἶπεν  αὐτοῖς  Δότε  αὐτοῖς  ὑμεῖς  φαγεῖν.  καὶ  λέγουσιν  αὐτῷ  Ἀπελθόντες  ἀγοράσωμεν  δηναρίων  διακοσίων  ἄρτους,  καὶ  δώσομεν  αὐτοῖς  φαγεῖν; 

And he answering said to them, 'Give ye them to eat,' and they say to him, 'Having gone away, may we buy two hundred denaries' worth of loaves, and give to them to eat?

 Mark 6:38 

ὁ  δὲ  λέγει  αὐτοῖς  Πόσους  ἔχετε ⇔  ἄρτους;  ὑπάγετε  ἴδετε.  καὶ  γνόντες  λέγουσιν  Πέντε,  καὶ  δύο  ἰχθύας.

And he saith to them, 'How many loaves have ye? go and see;' and having known, they say, 'Five, and two fishes.

 Mark 6:39 

καὶ  ἐπέταξεν  αὐτοῖς  ἀνακλῖναι*  πάντας  συμπόσια  συμπόσια  ἐπὶ  τῷ  χλωρῷ  χόρτῳ.

And he commanded them to make all recline in companies upon the green grass

 Mark 6:40 

καὶ  ἀνέπεσαν  πρασιαὶ  πρασιαὶ  κατὰ  ἑκατὸν  καὶ  κατὰ  πεντήκοντα.

and they sat down in squares, by hundreds, and by fifties

 Mark 6:41 

καὶ  λαβὼν  τοὺς  πέντε  ἄρτους  καὶ  τοὺς  δύο  ἰχθύας  ἀναβλέψας  εἰς  τὸν  οὐρανὸν  εὐλόγησεν  καὶ  κατέκλασεν  τοὺς  ἄρτους  καὶ  ἐδίδου  τοῖς  μαθηταῖς  ‹αὐτοῦ›  ἵνα  παρατιθῶσιν  αὐτοῖς,  καὶ  τοὺς  δύο  ἰχθύας  ἐμέρισεν  πᾶσιν.

And having taken the five loaves and the two fishes, having looked up to the heaven, he blessed, and brake the loaves, and was giving to his disciples, that they may set before them, and the two fishes divided he to all

 Mark 6:42 

καὶ  ἔφαγον  πάντες  καὶ  ἐχορτάσθησαν· 

And they did all eat and were filled  

 Mark 6:43 

καὶ  ἦραν  κλάσματα  δώδεκα  κοφίνων  πληρώματα  καὶ  ἀπὸ  τῶν  ἰχθύων.

and they took up of broken pieces twelve hand-baskets full, and of the fishes

 Mark 6:44 

καὶ  ἦσαν  οἱ  φαγόντες  τοὺς  ἄρτους  πεντακισχίλιοι  ἄνδρες.

and those eating of the loaves were about five thousand men.

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