Sunday, July 21, 2024

Monday Prior to Proper 12


Psalm 145:1-3, 6-7, Antiphon, Psalm 145:5 On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.  This is a hymn summarizing the characteristics of God. It is in acrostic form, making it easy to memorize: each verse in Hebrew begins with a successive letter of the alphabet. Vv. 1-3 are the psalmist’s personal expression of praise

In v. 4, he expands to speaking of descendants, of passing on knowledge and experience of God. God is known for his “wondrous works” (v. 5). In vv. 8-20, he expands still further, to “all people” (v. 12). Vv. 8-9 mention his love, vv. 10-13a his kingship over all, vv. 14-20 of his care of all in need

Responsiveness to his call brings protection (v. 20a) but those who oppose his ways will be destroyed. Finally, v. 21 combines the personal commitment to God with that of “all flesh.”

In the lessons for this coming Sunday, God’s promises are given and the Lord remembers those promises while man might not. In the Old Testament lesson the Lord promises Noah and his family that He will never again destroy the earth by a flood. (Genesis 9:8-17) In the Epistle lesson (Ephesians 3:14-21) Paul thanks the Lord for the richness of grace which the Lord has established in Christ. In the Gospel (Mark 6:45-56) Christ comes walking to His frightened disciples on the sea. They do not recognize Him because of fear and hardness of heart. The sermon hymn Entrust Your Days and Burdens, LSB #754 based on Psalm 37:5 reminds us that it is the Lord Himself that orders our days

Faith calls for us to recognize the Lord working in our life especially when we cannot see His hand at work. God will not abandon us to the world we create for ourselves.  God does not withdraw to a contamination-free zone and leave us to get on with it, but enters into the darkness, seriousness and consequences of human wrong-doing in order to save us.

 Collect for Psalm 145: Loving Father, you are faithful in you promises and tender in your compassion. Listen to our hymn of joy, and continue to satisfy the needs of all your creatures, that all flesh may bless your name in your everlasting kingdom, where with your Son and the Holy Spirit you live and reign, now and forever.


Luther’s Seal copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things

Collect for Psalm 145, For All the Saints, A Prayer Book For and By the Church, Vol. IV The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau,© 1996 Delhi, NY

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