For 40 days while He was being tested by the devil, Jesus didn’t eat a single thing. At the end of the forty days Jesus was hungry.
The devil said to Jesus, “Since You are God’s Son, tell this stone to turn into a little loaf of bread” Jesus answered, “The Bible says, “A man can’t live on bread alone.”
In one second the devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. “I’ll make you the king over all of this” the devil said, “if You will get down on Your knees and worship me, and it will all be Yours!” Jesus answered, “The Bible says, get down on you knees before the Lord your God and worship only Him”
Then the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem and set Him on the highest roof of the Temple. “Since You are the Son of God, Jump! And God’s angels will take good care of you!” Jesus answered, “The Bible says, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test!”
When the devil had finished all his tests, he left Jesus, waiting for the right time to come again.
The devil said to Jesus, “Since You are God’s Son, tell this stone to turn into a little loaf of bread” Jesus answered, “The Bible says, “A man can’t live on bread alone.”
In one second the devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. “I’ll make you the king over all of this” the devil said, “if You will get down on Your knees and worship me, and it will all be Yours!” Jesus answered, “The Bible says, get down on you knees before the Lord your God and worship only Him”
Then the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem and set Him on the highest roof of the Temple. “Since You are the Son of God, Jump! And God’s angels will take good care of you!” Jesus answered, “The Bible says, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test!”
When the devil had finished all his tests, he left Jesus, waiting for the right time to come again.
6th Petition – Lead us not into temptation
Temptation means someone is trying to get me to sin or do bad things.
This Means
1. God does not try to get me to do bad things.
Who tries to get me to sin?
1. The devil
2. Other people
3. Myself
We pray that God will help me say no to sin and do what is good.
From God’s Word
Romans 8:31 - If God is for us, who can be against us?
Matthew 26:41 – Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.
7th Petition – But deliver us from evil
This Means
1. We pray that God will save us from the devil and all bad things that happen to us.
2. God knows what is best for me.
3. God uses all things for my good.
4. I ask God to bring me safely to live with Him in heaven.
From God’s Word
2 Timothy 4:18 – The Lord will rescue me from every evil and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. [Heaven]
Romans 8:28 – We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.
Temptation means someone is trying to get me to sin or do bad things.
This Means
1. God does not try to get me to do bad things.
Who tries to get me to sin?
1. The devil
2. Other people
3. Myself
We pray that God will help me say no to sin and do what is good.
From God’s Word
Romans 8:31 - If God is for us, who can be against us?
Matthew 26:41 – Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.
7th Petition – But deliver us from evil
This Means
1. We pray that God will save us from the devil and all bad things that happen to us.
2. God knows what is best for me.
3. God uses all things for my good.
4. I ask God to bring me safely to live with Him in heaven.
From God’s Word
2 Timothy 4:18 – The Lord will rescue me from every evil and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. [Heaven]
Romans 8:28 – We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, woodcuts © WELS Permission to use these copyrighted items is limited to personal and congregational use. Read With Me Bible – An NIV Story Bible for Children © 1993 by The Zondervan Corporation Grand Rapids, MI
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