Wednesday, February 21, 2024



Mark 8:27-38


We easily recognize how powerful and wonderful Jesus is…however, when He lived on Earth. His rule was not quite what people expected or anticipated. 

They wanted a conquering, physically impressive leader. Jesus came as a suffering servant.  

They wanted political power in this life. Jesus came to give life now and for the new life that is to come. 

We can give thanks that Jesus suffered for our sake. And that through Him> We have hope and salvation.

What do you think makes someone a hero? Can you think of any heroes? You might think of a hero as someone with great strength. Or special powers. Or maybe someone who overcomes things. And helps people. 

Often our heroes are those who helped shape our lives. 

We look to heroes who give comfort. And devotion to keep us safe. All of these heroes work hard for different things.

Jesus came to Earth to rescue and save people. But it didn’t quite happen the way most people expected. 

People thought that He would be a powerful physical hero. That would overthrow the oppressive Romans. And set up a new kind of rule for the people.

But that’s not the kind of hero Jesus was. He threw a plot twist into expectations when He announced that His kingdom was not of this world. Rather He told them that He was going to suffer and die. 

Even His disciples didn’t like hearing that. What kind of leader announces he’s going to let himself be captured and killed? 

Peter tried to tell Jesus that He was speaking nonsense. But Jesus explained that he didn’t recognize what he was talking about. 

Jesus came to take our place. He did overcome hardship. He overcame death itself. Dying to conquer death! 

He did come to save. But not through politics. He came to save.> By taking our place. And accepting punishments He didn’t earn. 

Jesus was a servant who knew that glorifying God would only come through suffering and pain.

He knew this was all part of the Father’s plan. A plan designed for you.

The LORD had spoken through His prophets about how the Messiah would rescue everyone. 

The disciples didn’t quite understand this part of the plan.  And had a hard time accepting it. 

But we can recognize how important the work of Christ is. He suffered for our sake. And because of that. We also know that Jesus can understand when we go through hard times. And experience difficult things.

If you think you have noting in life. Behold His cross. Where you will find the Father’s love for you.

When life seems difficult. Turn to the Scriptures. They never change.

Whenever you experience pain or regret – Hear the Gospel -That the blood of  Jesus cover all sin.

There are circumstances in our lives that are difficult. And challenging. We might not understand what the LORD is doing. 

But Jesus promises to be with us. And will always help us get through. 

He knows how hard life is. Because He was willing to undergo pain and death for us. He will listen to our cries every time we pray. We are thankful that Jesus knows and understands…you! We pray:

Thank you LORD for giving us Jesus, the true hero. Help us to cling to Him when life is hard. And remember that He’s been through it all! 

We proclaim Him as Lord as we love one another. Thank you for your love and care. 

Words – 600

Readability – 81.3%

Reading Level – 4.1

Passive Sentences –4.1%


Image of Jesus the Christ by Ed Riojas, copyright Higher Things 

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