Thursday, August 24, 2023

Friday prior to Proper 16


Matthew 16:13–20—The Holy Christian Church is founded upon the confession of Peter—that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Finally! The disciples get it! At least for this Sunday! It came at a crucial time in our Lord’s public ministry.  His focus was set on Jerusalem. Where He would complete His work of redemption. He was set to suffer many things. For your salvation.

Our Lord is at a critical location in His ministry. Caesarea Philippi was a Gentile city. Built by Herod’s son, Philip. In honor of Caesar. Jesus stood in a pagan region. Where false deities and their supporters abound. Critical also were His companions. The disciples were personally selected and taught by Jesus. They had witnessed every aspect of His public ministry.

The Lord asked two important questions. At this moment. In this location.  Of His disciples. The answers to the questions were important. For them. And for His followers today; the first question was addressed to the disciples, “who do men say the Son of Man is?” (V.13)  The second question was addressed once again to the disciples. “But you, who do you, say I am?” (V.15)

And now, the critical question is addressed to each of us, “You, who do you, say that I am?

We can answer the question only through the intervention of the Holy Spirit in your life. The Spirit’s means are Word and Sacrament.  They come to the troubled heart of the sinner. The saving faith freely given by God leads each one of us to confess: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

The source of our confession and our actions is the faith the Spirit gives us.  Because Jesus is the Christ. Your sins are forgiven. Because Jesus is the Christ. You are empowered to live a new life. Because Jesus is the Christ. You have the sure certainty of eternal life.

So.  What do you think of Jesus? Who is He? The answer to this question defines your identity. It determines your destiny.

The illustration above carries the title of our Lord: the Anointed One, or, in Greek, ὁΧριστός, the Christ. Copyright © Ed Riojas, Higher Things

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