Friday, October 30, 2015

All Saints

All Saints
1 November 2015
Matthew 5:1-12

Gracious Savior, keep my eyes ever focused on You and Your blessings, which are mine by grace alone. Amen

To be blessed by God. It is yours now. And it is soon to come. You are blessed now. At this very moment. The rewards are in the future. You are blessed. Now. And not yet.

Life for the Christian is a life that is lived by faith - On this All Saints Day, Jesus; the greatest teacher who has ever lived gives a description of the child of God who has been incorporated into the family of faith. These Beatitudes are the gifts the Savior has given to you. Your citizenship is in heaven. But even now, you are a part of the kingdom.

1. You are blessed even now.
A.  Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens. (V3) To be poor in spirit is to rely on the mercy of God. We must recognize that man, by nature. Is completely destitute. Of all qualities that might merit God's mercy.  It is the kind or forgiving treatment of someone who should be treated harshly. It is the help. Given to people. Who are in a very bad or desperate situation.
B. Blessed are those who mourn. (V.4) You are a Christion. You will mourn. And you will be comforted.  What do we mourn? We mourn over the brokenness of this world. We mourn over death. As Jesus grieved over Lazarus. We are grief-stricken. Because of sickness. And the misery of the world. And the resultant alienation from God which can be found in every corner of this earth.
C. The meek are powerless. A picture of the cross. Yet you inherit for free from those who would try to take by force. This is anti-world. This is completely out of the realm of measurement and feeling. You turn the other cheek. To all who injure.  And you forgive them as Christ forgave those who crucified Him. The meek inherit the earth. (V.5)
D. For those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. (V.6) They will be engorged. Stuffed.  And Swollen. Their cup will run over. Ardently crave the righteousness of God. That righteousness imputed to us by faith.

2. Deserving has nothing to do with it.
A. The merciful receive mercy. (V7)  To the deserving. There is justice. Mercy is only to the undeserving. Show mercy as you have been shown mercy. The unmerciful servant. Misrepresented the king. Who had shown mercy. He acts as if the king still had the debt hanging over them. Reflect the mercy of God toward us.
B. Blessed are the clean in heart. (V.8) Because they themselves will see God. The only way in which you see God is to have a heart cleansed. Establish relationships with others that is characterized by honesty and integrity of both mind and heart.
C. Blessed are the ones making peace. (V 9) They will be called God's sons. Promote the peace that God wills. That it might prevail on this earth.

3.  Cherish the results and rewards.
A. The ones who are persecuted because of righteousness, theirs is the kingdom of heavens. (V.10) In all ages, Christians will experience the persecution of rejection and opposition from this world. So be it.  This world is not your home.  We are pilgrims and strangers. We’re just passing through.
B. Rejoice. Be glad.  Your reward is in heaven. In this sameness, the prophets were persecuted. (v.12). Ultimately, Christians, like the rejected prophets of old, will receive the prophet’s reward. The gift of God's grace. Through Jesus His Son. Is your highest reward.

Citizenship has always had its price. True citizenship. Whether in the Father's Kingdom. Or in this world. Is never easy. But without it. The rewards of life. And of society. Are short-lived.

God asks us to live according to His will. Always in the light of those rewards that He has always given to you in Jesus Christ. Which He is anxious even now to bestow. This Christian life is always a grateful response to what God has done for you in the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. Blessed be His saints on this All Saints Day.
Passive Sentences – 8%
Readability- 81.8

Reading Level- 3.4

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