There was once a man who had two sons, said Jesus The younger son was not happy at home. He dreamed of an exciting life far away. One day, he decided to leave his home. So he went to his dad, I know that part of your land is mind, he said. I want you to pay me for what is mine!
The father gave the son what he wanted. The son took it all and went far away.
At first he was happy.
He did whatever he wanted to do.
He went wherever he wanted to go.
He bought whatever he wanted to buy.
Before long he spent all his money.
The father gave the son what he wanted. The son took it all and went far away.
At first he was happy.
He did whatever he wanted to do.
He went wherever he wanted to go.
He bought whatever he wanted to buy.
Before long he spent all his money.
He did not even have the money to buy food. So he got a job feeding pigs. He was sad. He wanted to go home. He was also afraid. Maybe his father would not like him anymore. But he began the long trip home. At least he could be a servant instead of a son.
His father saw him coming. He ran to met him. He hugged and kissed him. Let’s have a party, he said. My son was lost, but now he is found!
God is like this father. He is full of joy when someone decided to obey him. When we sin The Father forgives.
God wants us to confess our sins to Him
This Means
1. God wants me to tell my sins to Him.
2. I believe God will forgive all my sins.
3. I can talk about sins that bother or trouble me to my pastor.
If I have been bad or mean to another person, say to that person.
1. I was bad to you.
2. I was mean to you.
3. It was wrong.
4. I sinned against God.
5. I am sorry.
6. Please forgive me.
God wants me not to sin anymore.
From God’s Word
1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sin.
James 5:16 – Confess your sins to each other.
His father saw him coming. He ran to met him. He hugged and kissed him. Let’s have a party, he said. My son was lost, but now he is found!
God is like this father. He is full of joy when someone decided to obey him. When we sin The Father forgives.
God wants us to confess our sins to Him
This Means
1. God wants me to tell my sins to Him.
2. I believe God will forgive all my sins.
3. I can talk about sins that bother or trouble me to my pastor.
If I have been bad or mean to another person, say to that person.
1. I was bad to you.
2. I was mean to you.
3. It was wrong.
4. I sinned against God.
5. I am sorry.
6. Please forgive me.
God wants me not to sin anymore.
From God’s Word
1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sin.
James 5:16 – Confess your sins to each other.
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, woodcuts © WELS Permission to use these copyrighted items is limited to personal and congregational use.
Read With Me Bible – An NIV Story Bible for Children © 1993 by The Zondervan Corporation Grand Rapids, MI
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