Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mid-week Homily

Proverbs 8:22-31 - Implications for Creation

There continues to be significant discussions on the topic of how the world was brought forth. In many segments of our country evolution remains a controversial subject. There are many people in our country captivated by the question of how we got here and how did it all happen. One of the questions which man has asked for ages is the question of origin. WHENCE? WHERE DO THINGS COME FROM? WHERE DO I COME FROM?

Our text for today does not deal with the “how” but rather with the “whom” of creation. Without a doubt, the One who created the universe is God. This we affirm in the words of the 1st Article of the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth…” Wise King Solomon would remind us from the fact of creation there are significant implications. Today we shall deal with them as we consider the ramifications for creation.
As believers we take it as fact that God created this world. Because God created this world we affirm three realities.

I. We affirm that this is my Father’s world.
A. God made this world – in six days – but also in 10 phrases. How did He do this? We leave that up to science, which can teach us certain things but not everything. Science can explain to us how it all works yet it remains a miracle to be seen. For example last spring 15 tiny seeds planted into the ground produced 160 squash, which contained literally hundreds of seeds that if planted this spring could produce enough squash to feed this entire parish! No, I won’t repeat my mistake of planting too much squash…this year I’m trying my luck with Zucchini!
B. He controls this world – nothing will happen without His knowledge and consent. We’re not left to chance. We believe in the providence of God.
He controls the events of this world, He controls our very lives.
C. He will also end this world – at just the right time – when the last Christian has been converted. Again, everything works according to His Master Plan. This leads to a question. Are you a part of the Master’s plan of salvation?

Transition: God has created this world. He has done all things according to His good and gracious will

II. We affirm that this world is good – because God has made it.
A. True, sin has ruined the world, placing a curse on it. The Lord speaking to Adam reminds us “because of you cursed is the ground.
For you both thorns and thistles it shall grow and by the sweat of your brow shall you eat bread” (Genesis 3)
B. Yet Christ has redeemed the world at the bloody cross. Sin has lost its grip – death its sting – Isaac Watts in 1719 put it this way:
No more let sins and sorrows growNor thorns infest the ground;He comes to make His blessings flowFar as the curse is found, Far as the curse is foundFar as far as the curse is found Joy to the World, the Lord is Come Hymn 87 from The Lutheran Hymnal © 1940 Concordia Publishing House St. Louis, Mo
C. We can delight in God’s creation. Solomon reminds us in verse 31 “rejoicing in the world, His earth And having delight in the sons of men”

Transition: We affirm this is the Father’s world, which is good. Thus life is intended by God to be good.

III. We affirm that life has purpose.
A. We are created by God to be in the world, to be a witness, to make a difference.
B. He is with us – even now – as He comes to us in Word and Sacrament – as He dwells in each believer’s heart.
C. Life now is lived for God – by means of vocation and service. We do more then merely come to a worship service. In service we worship God.
We remember that God is eternal. The Triune God created the world, the universe and humanity. Since God has created this world, we celebrate as an act of pure grace for our benefit. To God be the glory – great things He has done!

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