Almighty and eternal God, Governor or all things in heaven and earth, mercifully hear the prayers of Your people, and grant us Your peace in our day; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever.
For those of you who are movie buffs, Orson Wells directed what has been called by many as the greatest film ever made - Citizen Kane. Yet in the twilight of his career, he was pegged to deliver that famous ad for wine. “We will sell no wine before its time.” In His first miracle Jesus shows us the extent He will go to serve us giving us only the best.
John reminds us this is Jesus’ first miracle. He doesn’t come merely to save this nameless couple form embarrassment. He comes to reveal Himself as the author of life. For 30 years Jesus has lived in obscurity. Now is the time.
1. To reveal His glory
A. Although He was the Creator of the world no one ever noticed.
1. John in His gospel reminds us of this fact, “the Word, then, was in the world. God made the world through Him.” (John 1:10a)
2. The world, created by Jesus could not understand that the Lord of glory had come to redeem it. “…Yet the world did not know Him. He came to His own country but His own people did not receive Him.” (v. 10b-11)
B. To those who did receive Him they became His children by faith.
1. Some however did receive Him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name (v.12a)
a. They believed in Him. He gave the right to be the children of God. (v.12b)
b. Thus He gave the right to become God’s children For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17c)
Transition: Now is the time – for Jesus to reveal His glory – yet for what purpose? There is a divine purpose in Jesus’ miracles, which He performed.
2. Now is the time for us to believe!
A. John reminds us of the divine purpose in Jesus’ miracle.
1. He performed it there, in Cana of Galilee.
2. He works wonders and miracles here where you live and work among the people who matter most to you – family, friends.
B The purpose for the miracles is always faith.
1. Some might be tempted to think that Jesus’ miracles were conducted and performed to meet people’s “felt needs” –we all have needs!
2. True, we may benefit from Jesus’ miracles – I this case- the couple is saved from embarrassment. In the case of blind Bartamaous it’s his sight. In the case of 5,000 hungry people it’s 12 baskets full of leftovers.
2. Yet, Jesus’ purpose is that we might put our faith in Him.
a. This is what took place in the lives of the disciples – they believe in Him (v. 11c)
b. For you it’s the same purpose – The Savior desires that you believe in Him. He will do whatever it takes for you to believe in Him – even if it takes a miracle!
Conclusion: The timing was perfect. Jesus came into this world – at just the right time. He performed His first miracle at just the right time. A New Year is upon us. In every circumstance throughout this year and even beyond the timing will be perfect. He shapes and uses the events of our lives drawing us closer to Himself so that w3e might believe in Him. As it was done in the lives of His disciples may be done unto you also – That His glory may be manifest and that you may place your faith in Him.
For those of you who are movie buffs, Orson Wells directed what has been called by many as the greatest film ever made - Citizen Kane. Yet in the twilight of his career, he was pegged to deliver that famous ad for wine. “We will sell no wine before its time.” In His first miracle Jesus shows us the extent He will go to serve us giving us only the best.
John reminds us this is Jesus’ first miracle. He doesn’t come merely to save this nameless couple form embarrassment. He comes to reveal Himself as the author of life. For 30 years Jesus has lived in obscurity. Now is the time.
1. To reveal His glory
A. Although He was the Creator of the world no one ever noticed.
1. John in His gospel reminds us of this fact, “the Word, then, was in the world. God made the world through Him.” (John 1:10a)
2. The world, created by Jesus could not understand that the Lord of glory had come to redeem it. “…Yet the world did not know Him. He came to His own country but His own people did not receive Him.” (v. 10b-11)
B. To those who did receive Him they became His children by faith.
1. Some however did receive Him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name (v.12a)
a. They believed in Him. He gave the right to be the children of God. (v.12b)
b. Thus He gave the right to become God’s children For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17c)
Transition: Now is the time – for Jesus to reveal His glory – yet for what purpose? There is a divine purpose in Jesus’ miracles, which He performed.
2. Now is the time for us to believe!
A. John reminds us of the divine purpose in Jesus’ miracle.
1. He performed it there, in Cana of Galilee.
2. He works wonders and miracles here where you live and work among the people who matter most to you – family, friends.
B The purpose for the miracles is always faith.
1. Some might be tempted to think that Jesus’ miracles were conducted and performed to meet people’s “felt needs” –we all have needs!
2. True, we may benefit from Jesus’ miracles – I this case- the couple is saved from embarrassment. In the case of blind Bartamaous it’s his sight. In the case of 5,000 hungry people it’s 12 baskets full of leftovers.
2. Yet, Jesus’ purpose is that we might put our faith in Him.
a. This is what took place in the lives of the disciples – they believe in Him (v. 11c)
b. For you it’s the same purpose – The Savior desires that you believe in Him. He will do whatever it takes for you to believe in Him – even if it takes a miracle!
Conclusion: The timing was perfect. Jesus came into this world – at just the right time. He performed His first miracle at just the right time. A New Year is upon us. In every circumstance throughout this year and even beyond the timing will be perfect. He shapes and uses the events of our lives drawing us closer to Himself so that w3e might believe in Him. As it was done in the lives of His disciples may be done unto you also – That His glory may be manifest and that you may place your faith in Him.
Schnorr von Carolsfeld, woodcuts © WELS Permission to use these copyrighted items is limited to personal and congregational use.
+ Soli Deo Gloria +
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