Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunrise

Acts 10:40-43
The Resurrection is the Keystone of the Arch of Faith

 “O God, you gave your only Son to suffer death on the cross for our redemption, and by his glorious resurrection you delivered us from the power of death. Make us die every day to sin, so that we may live with him forever in the joy of resurrection.”

Introduction: People need to realize and appreciate the indispensable place the resurrection holds in our Christian faith. If Christ did not rise, there would be no gospel. If Jesus did not rise, our faith would be futile. We need to face the fact that not all believe in the resurrection. What would happen to our faith if there were no resurrection? The resurrection is the keystone in the arch of Christianity. All the early disciples could say is summed up in verse 39 of our text, “We are witnesses of these things…”

 If there were no resurrection —

I)       There would be no preaching of the gospel — v. 42; “He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.”

II)    Peter tells Cornelius and his friends that God raised Jesus from the dead. A very devout Roman centurion, Cornelius, sends for Peter to preach to him and his friends.

III) Peter reviews the ministry of Jesus including the crucifixion and resurrection. It is to be noted that Peter says God raised Jesus; he did not raise himself. Note also Peter explains that the risen Christ did not appear to people in general, but a few chosen ones whom he commanded to preach the Good News.

IV) There would be no Jesus to judge — v. 42.

A)    The life, death, and resurrection have cosmic dimensions. Jesus is the Savior of all humankind, not for any specific group, nation, or race.

V)    Though Jesus was Jew, though the Jews rejected Him, though the Romans crucified Him, Jesus suffered, died, and rose again for the entire world.

VI) This emphasis is seen in the lesson, “judge of the living and the dead”

VII)          Easter gives an imperative to share, witness, and evangelize — “Go and tell.”

VIII)       There would be no forgiveness of sins — v. 43; “All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

A)    The key to it all is the resurrection to which the apostles testified.

(i)     Because of the resurrection, the apostles were commanded to preach the cross and resurrection.

B)    Jesus is therefore proclaimed as judge of the world. Through him, forgiveness is offered to all believers. Without the resurrection as the keystone, the arch of the Christian would fall. Paul taught that if Christ had not risen, our faith would be in vain.

C)    Luke assures us that God is the one responsible for Jesus: his coming, death, and resurrection. The cross and resurrection were not the work of Jesus, nor of man. This was solely God’s work of grace in saving the world. God sent Jesus, the Word, to earth (v. 36), anointed Jesus as Messiah (v. 38), raised him from the dead (v. 40), commanded the disciples to witness to the resurrection (v. 42), and ordained Jesus to be the judge of the world (v. 42).

Conclusion: The message of Easter is the message of the Risen Lord, of his triumph over sin and death. It is a permanent message of hope for Christians and for humankind. On the third day God raised him to life…We are His witnesses. It is to Him that all Prophets bear this witness. Christ is risen. Indeed He is risen. Let us rejoice and praise the Lord of glory.

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